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Release grace and love into the world

My daughter calls dandelions "blow flowers"—she wants to pick every one she sees. She loves to blow and wave them into the air, watching their seeds scatter to the wind. She says when she blows them she is setting them free.

She will ask, "How far do you think this one will go mama?"

I'll tell her, "Until the wind finds the right home for it, there is no limit on how far the seeds can spread."

My daughter loves dandelions so much that I took a picture of of one in our yard, I had it printed on a canvas and hung it in her room.

I was looking at it the other day thinking of God, His faithfulness and His love. I was thinking about how acts of grace can spread far and wide if we just choose to set them free in the wind.

Every time you graciously wave when someone cuts you off in traffic, every time you’re courteous to your server at a restaurant, every time you drop off a meal in need, every time you act in grace, love, and kindness you blow little pieces of God’s love into the world, and you never know how far those litte pieces of His love will go.

I encourage you today to release grace and love into the world and see how far the wind carries it.

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